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Reza Safaei makes his name prominent as an Iranian volleyball player

He has achieved tremendously in his sporting career and has brought more glory to Iran. Having the vision to achieve certain set goals is one thing, but to choose to go under the grind, give it all, and hold one’s…

A fatal car accident lawyer – When should you hire one after a car accident?

It is a well-known fact that car crashes can have a damaging, life-changing, and traumatic impact on our lives. With millions of individuals, nationwide, suffering from injuries due to a car accident and thousands of people dying, it is imperative…

Benefits Of Appointing Fireguards

We are all concerned about the possibility of our property or the site catching fire, be it our residential addresses or our workplaces. Commercial properties like restaurants, kitchens, construction sites, or factories are extremely prone to catching fire. Irrespective of…

Ali Kavousi, a talented musician and composer, gave a talk on the subject of music theory.

They say One of the things to keep in mind about music theory is that music came into being first. And in the meantime, there is no chicken or egg. Music existed thousands of years ago. The theory is that…

Today, with the second part, we are with MR. Leonar Mardirosian on how to earn money for the singers, and in the second session, we will examine the issue

The longing for fame or the love of singing. Whatever it is, it can not be recognized as an industry with its significant turnover in our country. According to the World Bank, creative industries such as music in developed countries…

What causes back cramps and Lumbar morning stiffness? Dr. Iman Kamali Hakim’s explanations

Why is the back dryness, and does it hurts in the morning? If it is the first time, it will be eliminated, and there is no problem, but if it is repeated, There is probably a lumbar disc herniation, because…

Justin Melnichuk: Never to Young

Justin Melnichuk decided at a young age of 12 to set himself apart by creating a business for himself. Starting with research Justin was on a path to becoming one of the most well known sneaker outlets in the US….

DJ and Music Producer Musata Shares Powerful Tips for Success

One of the most common things people say the world over is “follow your passion”. Some people discover what theirs is when they are young, and yet for others, it sneaks up on them later in life. DJ and Producer Musata is…

Amir Cheraghian talked about the changes in pop music from the past to the present and the progress of pop in the new generation

Music is one of the beauties of the world that caresses the ear and human beings have made great progress in it year by year. In every climate and land, music has changed a lot based on culture or collective or…

Meet KenVince, a rising rapper, and producer who is winning hearts through his meaningful and mesmerizing music

Nothing in life comes for free, only hard work can lead your way to success. KenVince is one of the people who has proved to the world that if one is striving hard and is passionate about their work, they…

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