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How to start influencer marketing from Elham Hosseini

Elham Hosseini, the mother of Paniz Esmaili, is always active in the field of modeling, makeup and clothing and is known as a popular blogger and influencer in this field. He said: “The word influencer actually means “influential person”. The history of using influencers dates back to the early 1920s. At that time, all marketing activities were product-oriented, and in other words, in the early days of marketing, The strategy used at that time was that brands tried to introduce special characters and thereby introduce their product and accept it by the public.

It is interesting to know that Santa Claus or the old man with a white beard in a red dress was a product of the same era to introduce the Coca-Cola brand. After that, character building was used for Marlboro, Klog, and many other brands, and it left a significant impact on the buying behavior of the audience and even the culture of the society.

In the second era of marketing, activities changed from product-oriented to customer-oriented. At this time, the use of celebrities as influencers became popular, and various brands turned from accepting well-known people such as actors, singers, and athletes to encourage people to use their products. In this era, television and radio played an effective role in people’s lives. Therefore, it seems natural to welcome such a procedure.

But with the emergence of social networks, the third age of marketing began. An era in which the consumer was not viewed as a mere buyer and the values of each consumer became important, in other words, in this era, we have seen a leap from customer-centric to value-centric. With the growth of user-oriented content in social networks, some people tried to find a new position among the audience by producing more attractive content for the audience.

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