Resident Weekly

A Exclusive Current Affairs Platform

Derek Robins

Taking over the world of entrepreneurship and trading is Enzo Savio Cusumano.

The 29-year-old has shown true grit, passion and dedication, which has brought him to the forefront of the industry. Today, when we speak about different people, especially youngsters from different parts of the world, it is also imperative to learn…

24 years old networker from Germany generates passive income for tons of people.

Fabio Menner the young talented guy made people rich with his network marketing skills. Fabio Menner is a marketer in Crypto currency market. He believed that people should generate passive source of income from Crypto Market. He predicted that network…

Private labels in the road map to success for SustainKart? Read more!

The e-commerce industry has taken its term since COVID-19. From choosing eco-friendly products to that of naturally sourced products, consumers pattern has seen a drastic change in the past few months. During such need of the hour, Hyderabad-based entrepreneurs Shilpa…

Hanisha Sharma Is a Fashion Designer and Tiktok Creator in Dubai

Fashion designing is not for everyone as it requires a lot of encouragement and inspiration to get started. Hanisha Sharma definitely determined her place in fashion designing and even managed to learn about fashion designing for someone in her life….

Ram Singh venture Baba Ji Finance and Properties takes over the finance world

Ram Singh is an intense devotee of Guru Nanakji and acknowledges that all his altruistic works in life are his kindnesses. In a world that is so totally ate up by gaining until further notice wins, it is fanciful to…

Sumit Narang : Known Businessman From Haryana

If you’re good at something, don’t do it for free, as the saying goes. There is a lot of hope for him, and he isn’t far from achieving his target because he has a lot of visibility on social networking…

Digital marketing & e-commerce entrepreneur German Dolinsky Shares Valuable Advice for new and old companies

German Dolinsky is a competent digital marketing & e-commerce entrepreneur based in Dubai. He holds a degree in International Business Administration and then took a plunge in the business world. He always had the idea of doing his own business…

Juan C Reynoso: Inspiring the world with his astute skills as a coach, entrepreneur and international speaker.

Juan C Reynoso has truly changed the dynamics of the digital financial world by helping professionals walk the path to success with his mentorship. Turning into a professional business owner today is not very difficult, they say. Some are of…

Samuel Onuha gives his top tips on starting a business

This young and benevolent man has impacted the lives of the many for the better by inspiring them to start their own business.Samuel Onuha learnt everything from scratch and then went on to earn a name for himself in the…

Arslan Aslam creating its mark in the Tiktok.

It is said that Dreams come true when you leave it and not  just when you see it. Respective actions has to be taken to fulfill your dreams. No matter how difficult it is facing them always lead you to…

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