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How to apply good sound techniques in music by Reza jozei Ramezani:

How to apply good sound techniques in music by Reza jozei Ramezani:

Before you start singing, relax your vocal chords:

Poor vocal chords mean that you cannot perform the above points well.

Mm….hmmm…… the hm in different notes instead of the long E….and wait at least a few minutes after that.

Don’t force yourself to sing with a high note:

When you need to sing with a high note, don’t strain too hard, relax and let your voice rise slowly.

Definition of exercise, the right time to breathe while singing:

In ordinary writing and notes, phrases are often separated by commas or other symbols.

But it may not be punctuation of poems.

Review the poem before you start reading and learn these punctuations in their correct place and breathe between these punctuations.

Accept criticism:

Try to perform in front of friends or family or anyone you feel more comfortable with before doing anything.

Family members usually try to react sweetly and not give their real opinions, while good friends freely tell us their opinion.

Be prepared to even laugh at yourself sometimes.

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