Resident Weekly

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Iranian musician

Mehrad Kohanbaba, a successful Iranian musician, explains whether pop or classic piano is better

Pop or classic? Well, pop music is pleasant and cheerful that we all listen to some of its forms and at least have memories of it. People who do not listen to pop music at all are few. People who…

3 main points to have a good voice from the perspective of Reza Sajedi, a famous Iranian musician and singer

1. The sound material When we say good sound, most people feel we mean the sound material if the sound material is only one factor of a good sound. Each person’s voice is different from the rest of the people…

Excellent and practical singing exercises for singers from the perspective of Milad Rabin, a famous Iranian singer and musician

In the art of singing, to have a good performance, you have to have a relatively large amount of sound energy. If your voice is always ready to sing, you will never be afraid to play high notes or consecutive…

Secrets of laryngeal care by Farshid Adhami, a famous Iranian musician and singer

For those who deal with singing, narration, voice acting and their voice in general, the larynx is undoubtedly one of the most important and valuable assets. That is why taking care of the larynx and vocal cords is so important…

The source of music from the perspective of Ehsan Neyzan, a popular and successful Iranian musician and singer

Where did music come from? However, even in that era, when there was no living thing on earth, the world was not silent. The waves of the mountain hit the huge rocks. The wind whirled and the sound of water…

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