Resident Weekly

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Six Suggestions for Proper Posture and Spinal Cord Health

One of the most common symptoms in every neurology outpatient department is back pain. The “work from home” trend and extended workdays at a desk and chair have resulted in bad spine posture, constant bending, and back and neck sprains, not to mention higher and higher levels of stress at work.

Degenerative disc disease, which results in loss of tone and strength in the paraspinal and other back muscles, can cause chronic back pain if the spine is not kept in its physiological posture. We can take the following steps to make sure our spines are properly cared for:

Regular Back and Yoga Poses

Consistently incorporating yoga into our daily routine promotes optimal physical flexibility and enhances muscle tone. Moreover, it keeps blood flow to the muscles sufficient and aids in the regeneration of deteriorating muscle fibers. It provides a break from ongoing mental stress in addition to keeping the body physically active.

Taking Frequent Breaks from Work

Long workdays may not always be avoided, but routine changes in body posture and regular breaks should be incorporated to prevent posture-related aches and pains.


“Unhealthy eating habits containing saturated fats should be avoided and a diet close to Mediterranean diet should be followed with lots of antioxidants containing dietary substances like seasonal fruits, vegetables and nuts,” states Dr. Ishu Goyal, Deputy Consultant Neurologist, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital.

Steer Clear of Hard Lifting

It has been observed that jerks to the spine and abrupt weight lifting are the main causes of back problems. Particularly when the back muscles are not strong enough to support such weights, these injuries should be prevented.

Control of Weight

All of the aforementioned strategies are effective when combined with maintaining a weight diary. A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates back problems since it causes rapid weight gain. A lean physique offers excellent flexibility and strength to
Steer clear of hard lifting.

Medical Care

It is best to seek medical attention for an appropriate diagnosis and therapy if the back pain persists despite trying all of these remedies, if it frequently shoots down in a specific way, or if it interferes with walking or sleeping.

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