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6 Workouts and Lifestyle Hacks To Stay Active Into Your Elderly Years

All people need to exercise, but seniors especially need to exercise. An active lifestyle becomes even more important as we age since neurodegenerative illnesses are more likely to occur. Maintaining an active lifestyle has a substantial positive impact on our mental and physical health. This is particularly crucial for people with illnesses like Parkinson’s and dementia.

Regular exercise can help older persons stay physically and mentally healthy, adding vitality and happiness to their golden years.

Exercise is essential for controlling dementia symptoms because it lowers inflammation and improves brain plasticity. Exercise can help Parkinson’s patients with their motor function and lessen stiffness and tremors. For those with these problems, a well-rounded fitness programme that incorporates both mental and physical activities as well as a supportive caring environment can significantly enhance quality of life.

1. Engage in aerobic exercises & strength training

Exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing can boost mood and cardiovascular health while boosting blood flow to the brain and preventing cognitive loss. Maintaining muscular mass, strength, and bone density through bodyweight workouts, resistance bands, or weights helps to sustain daily tasks while lowering the risk of falls.

2. Incorporate physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can greatly improve balance and coordination, which is essential for lowering the risk of falls and increasing an older person’s range of motion. Physiotherapy-tailored exercises can support the preservation of functional independence and target certain physical issues that older adults may encounter.

3. Prioritize flexibility

Maintaining flexible muscles and joints can greatly lower the risk of injury. Wheelchair yoga is one technique that might be especially helpful for people who use wheelchairs or have mobility issues in maintaining their flexibility.

4. Engage in mental exercises

It’s vital to remember that mental and physical exercise are equally beneficial. Maintaining cognitive health requires mental workouts like reading, playing memory games, and solving puzzles. Engaging in these activities can help maintain mental acuity, enhance memory, and lower the risk of cognitive decline.

5. Incorporate daily activities

Make an effort to include daily tasks like errands and housework into your schedule. These exercises will help you stay active and engaged throughout the day, and they are equally vital for preserving general fitness and physical activity.

6. Personalized routine with safety and support

With the help of experts, create a customised fitness programme based on each person’s needs and capabilities. When it comes to guaranteeing assistance and safety during workouts, carers are essential.

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