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Artificial Intelligence

A Recent Study Uses Brain Structure Analysis and Artificial Intelligence to Identify Anxiety in Young People

A study found that using artificial intelligence (AI), people with anxiety problems can be identified based on the specific structure of their brains. The study included over 3,500 young people from all across the world, ages 10 to 25, and…

Mark Zuckerberg declares a new Meta team working on artificial intelligence products for WhatsApp and Instagram

A new set of machine learning techniques that enable computers to produce text, images, and other forms of media that are comparable to human output will be the focus of a new product group that Meta will establish within the…

Having reached a tipping point, how drone technology is proving to be useful in real-time world scenario

Are you one of those individuals who are eagerly waiting to receive their package from the sky? If yes, you may have seen those cool videos with UAVs showing how far the technology has progressed. In fact, all those expectations…

Automation Enables the Banking Sector

The world is at the zenith of a digital revolution and proliferation of most recent technologies. With the fast adoption and use of these rising technologies, it is safe to state that the time of automation has arrived. Commonly saw…

New class of genetic transformations behind autism identified by AI

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), specialists have found new genetic defects that add to autism in individuals. Most past research on the genetic basis of disease has concentrated on the 20,000 known genes and the surrounding sections of DNA that manage…

Artificial Intelligence Can Recognize Depression In a Child’s Speech

A machine learning algorithm can recognize indications of anxiety and depression in the speech patterns of youthful kids, possibly giving a quick and simple method for diagnosing conditions that are hard to spot and regularly ignored in youngsters, as per…

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