Resident Weekly

A Exclusive Current Affairs Platform


The Mars Camera of Curiosity Was Affected by the Strongest Solar Flare in Years

The solar maximum, or the Sun’s highest point in activity for this cycle, is approaching. Here on Earth, the impacts have been witnessed by all of us in the form of radio blackouts and a series of breathtaking aurorae that…

Mars is the Focus of a Massive Sunspot that Originally Caused Broad Auroras on Earth

The sunspot is still quite a hotspot even though it has spun out of our field of vision. On Tuesday, May 14, it released its greatest solar flare to yet. Coronal mass ejections, or bursts of solar plasma and magnetic…

New Research Suggests that Ancient Mars had a Climate Similar to Earth

Higher-than-usual levels of manganese were found in lakebed rocks within Gale Crater on Mars by a study team utilizing the ChemCam instrument on NASA’s Curiosity rover. This finding suggests that the sediments were generated in a river, delta, or close…

NASA rover discovers the past of a lake that once stretched up to 22 miles in width and 100 feet in depth on Mars

Researchers and astronomers can now learn more about the formation of a major crater on Mars and the time when water was present on the planet thanks to new information obtained by NASA’s Perseverance rover. The mission of Perseverance, which…

Mars’ magnetosphere expands as the solar wind entirely disappears

The solar wind is a constant in the solar system, but on Christmas Day 2022, it abruptly and totally disappeared. A NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars noticed the strange occurrence and discovered that the magnetosphere of the Red Planet responded by…

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