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Familiarity with the job of playing music by Mahan Ahmadi, a successful singer

The job of musician as one of the artistic professions has always been considered by many artists who are interested in earning money from their art. If we want to study the history of this art, we can say that the art of playing has been around for many years and is of interest to many people. Years have passed since the first percussion instruments were used around the world. Gradually, this art evolved using various tools and instruments, and many people looked at it as a job. But how playing became a source of income for people has always been of interest to people. It is worth mentioning that this job, in addition to being effective for generating income and satisfying the artistic spirit of people, also has a great impact on the morale of other people. In general, it can be said that today this job is considered as one of the artistic jobs.

People who want to work in this job are always looking for areas where they can play. In this case, it can be said that there are different levels of playing for people that people can use to play. In this case, it can be said that these levels can vary from the lowest level, which is playing in different weddings or different celebrations, to playing in big concerts. It should be noted that the level at which people work, depending on the training they have received in this regard and the level of talent they have, can vary. For example, some people have only seen the training of citadel notes, which they do in ceremonies. But there are some people who, by learning very hard instruments such as the violin, piano and other such instruments, work towards playing in concerts and studios where they compose.

Who is attracted to this work?

Talented people who have an artistic spirit and are interested in playing different types of instruments are attracted to this activity. It is worth mentioning that the parameter of interest and creativity in this type of job can help people to grow and prosper. In general, it can be said that people who are interested in art are attracted to this job. Some people are attracted to this job only because of its various benefits and income generation, and due to the fact that they do not have the necessary interest and creativity in this job, they disappear from this job after a period of time. وندشوند. Our advice to people who intend to use this job is to definitely use it to express their interest in it. Therefore, our advice to people who intend to do this is to be motivated by doing different motivational methods, or to do it in advance according to their interest. . Therefore, it can be concluded that the parameter of interest in selecting people who are suitable for this job can be effective.

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