Resident Weekly

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Entrepreneur Rishab Bhatt voices his support towards efforts to alleviate the global water crisis

Not too late to save water’s fate.

Water scarcity currently affects nearly 2.2 billion people. That means almost a third of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. Purity is not a luxury but a necessity. In some countries, poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water cause more deaths annually than armed conflict.

Young entrepreneur Rishab Bhatt, at the age of just 20 years, has already changed thousands of lives by raising awareness of the global water crisis and financially supporting organizations that help children around the world with sanitization and clean water. Globally, 1 in 9 people still have no access to clean water. But in the communities we serve, it’s 9 out of 9. Water is a daily and crippling challenge. Without water you can’t grow food, build housing, you can’t stay healthy, stay in school and keep working. With a vision to eradicate the water crisis, Bhatt is on a mission to help provide clean drinking water to every individual on earth.

Rishab, a software and web developer, is a talented man behind the website ‘Simple.Savr’, a text and file-sharing website with more than 60K users per month across the globe. Born and brought up in Toronto, Canada, he was always amused by the wonders of technology. Besides his own website, Bhatt has also worked on an entirely automated and encrypted crypto escrow platform Coinsavr, Inc. Simple.Savr is built on strong beliefs and values, with a primary mission to help the families in need to prepare and protect themselves, especially during these unprecedented times, by creating awareness and directly contributing to charities like The Water Project, UNICEF,, that have the resources to help make a difference.

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. With a curiosity to know everything about the technological field since his childhood, Rishab was very passionate to learn AI and Machine Learning and Blockchain technology. I always wanted to create something useful that improved my life, and this alone was a massive motivation for me. With the latest upgrades in technology, the philanthropist Bhatt has upped his game in the noble cause to help species at risk, water and wind pollution, and other environmental issues. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

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