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Description of Mr. Hooman ZiroBam (Hooman Pirveysi) of a successful entrepreneur in cyberspace and Instagram about a successful entrepreneur in cyberspace

Internet Entrepreneurship: Using the World Wide Web to Make Money

Today, the Internet has become a big part of small and large businesses. Countless people are present in the world of the Internet and through social media advertising, they are introduced to new methods of online commerce, which has led to the emergence of a new generation of people called Internet entrepreneurs. An Internet entrepreneur is someone who pays attention to the vast power of the Internet to start or grow their business. Anyone who wants to become a successful Internet entrepreneur and do something fundamentally must combine this new technology with the beneficial methods of traditional business.

Entrepreneurship is defined as the ability and desire to launch, organize, and manage investment in new areas of profitability, while accepting all the risks associated with it. It should be noted that becoming a successful entrepreneur at this time is by no means an easy task, and even the most successful entrepreneurs may make great efforts to succeed but eventually their business will fail.

“I’m convinced that almost half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is endurance,” says Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple. Is an Internet entrepreneur.

In addition, Tim Schmidt, a successful Internet entrepreneur

He states that innovation and risk-taking are the basic characteristics of an internet entrepreneur’s morale. In order for any entrepreneur to be successful in a global market that is very competitive and constantly changing, it is essential to have these personality traits. These facts do not mean discouraging people from entrepreneurship. In fact, most global economies depend on people starting small businesses to help reduce unemployment. However, it is important to recognize and understand the specific challenges that every entrepreneur faces.

Evaluate the level of acceptance of your product.

First you need to research your business idea and see if you want the product you want. To do this, you must be careful that the opinions of those around you do not apply to you, because they want to support you and will certainly welcome your opinion that this will lead you astray. So be sure to look for effective resources.

– You must be different from your competitors.

Coordinate your working conditions with your personal life.

– Visit rate

This metric shows the number of visits to your website over a period of time, such as a day or a week or … From this high number, it can be concluded that your working conditions are good. Of course, this number can not be fully counted, because some visitors will visit your website randomly and will not be added to the list of customers, so this criterion will bring a small amount of error.

– Increase your income potential.

One of the disadvantages of being an employee is that your income will always be limited, but if you work for yourself, you can earn as much as you want. Of course, the amount of revenue you make depends on the type of business and the amount of effort you put into it.

History of launching the company and the Instagram page of my music below

This page and music company Zirobam was established on June 8, 2017 and is one of the top music pages and companies in Iran. This page has been able to become a large company and collection with a lot of people with effort and perseverance. In this field, he has been directly employed, all the activities of Zirobam Music to expand the music and talents of young singers and to flourish and get better at the professional level of music, Zirobam Music has even been able to support and support this. To a series of poor singers who do not have the financial ability and to bring these singers to what they aim to show the company’s ability in this area

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