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Celebrity influence Kristen Rose reveals how life on social media is far from the truth

The majority of the world is active on various social media platforms. From images of delicious food to exotic destinations, people often dream of living life as we see it online. The truth is that reality is far removed from what people display online. Renowned influencer, Kristen Rose shares her insights of how people shouldn’t be deceived by the glamour and glitter of the online world.

“Sure, it’s great posting about the good things in life, fun trips, cool events & nice experiences, but when that’s all you see on someone’s profile, it’s easy to get lost in all of it and forget the fact that nobody’s life is perfect. We all go through life’s hardships, failures, pain, and heartbreaks. Before deciding that other peoples’ lives are better than yours, take a close look and understand that what’s on social media is not always reality. People love sharing what looks good and what sounds good but more than likely there’s a lot of negative things that a person is experiencing that stays behind the scenes and that will never make it on social media,” Kristen explains.

Virtual vs. Reality

Don’t let the mirage of social media fool you. Someone with ten likes and few followers might have a very fulfilling life outside of Facebook or Instagram. While someone with thousands of followers might be struggling in several areas of their personal life. Just because someone is famous doesn’t mean they don’t have occasional turmoil in their life. In fact, they might be experiencing a lot of ups and downs, but to their followers, they give the illusion that their life is perfect.

All that glitters is not gold

Some couples appear extremely happy and satisfied in their relationship on social media, but, in reality, they might have a dysfunctional relationship. Other couples post nothing about their personal lives, yet they are delighted and have a beautiful, personal relationship.

Social media is a platform where people share their lives through the pictures they post; what they don’t always share is the reality of their day-to-day lives. The general public needs to realize social media does not accurately show the parameters of their happiness. What we have to remember is most people’s happiness, and success lies in the hard work they have invested in achieving their goals.

Know there’s struggle before the sunshine

Like Kristen, the careers of a lot of Facebook and Instagram stars are at the top of the heap because of hard work. They have gone through struggles and hardships, learned from these situations, and have moved ahead in their lives and careers. What they are today is because of those struggles. Social media often fools you by not showing you the back story behind their successful lives.

Everyone has experienced failure at least once in their lives, but you have to remember people who post to social media very seldom post their failures – only their successes. Don’t be fooled by what you read on social media. Don’t waste your time comparing your life to the way other people “appear” to be living theirs.

Remember, life is a mixed bag!

What appears on social media are merely snippets of a complicated life, and just like yours, those lives are filled with success, failure, happiness, and struggles. Be unique and be strong; add value to others’ lives by sharing real-life experiences on social media – the good as well as the not-so-good. You will be amazed at the positive reactions and support you will receive when you connect honestly with family and friends.

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